Disease and transmission – A common viral disease spread via the air, usually when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is seasonal and each hemisphere will have their season at different times of year
Symptoms – High fever, tiredness, headache, sore throat and muscle and joint aches.
Prevention – Following good respiratory and hand hygiene with help reduce the risk of infection. There is a seasonal flu vaccine that can be repeated annually if required. Risk is not increased by travelling unless visiting very crowded places.
Treatment – Mainly supportive treatment but in certain circumstance antiviral drugs may be administered.
Vaccination - The flu vaccine gives the best protection against flu. Seasonal influenza vaccines help protect against the main types of flu viruses, although there's still a chance you might get flu, however if you do get flu after vaccination, it's likely to be milder and not last as long. Having the flu vaccine will also reduce the chance of you spreading flu to other people who may be more at risk of serious problems from flu. Influenza vaccines are repeated annually.