Yellow fever

We are a registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre.

Disease and transmission - Yellow fever (YF) is a virus transmitted via mainly day biting mosquitos, and circulates either between monkeys and humans or humans to humans. There is a risk of yellow fever in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Central America and Trinidad.

Symptoms – The most common symptoms are fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. A small proportion of people develop severe disease which symptoms include jaundice, stomach pains, vomiting and kidney and liver issues. 50% of those with severe disease will die.

Prevention - Following mosquito bite avoidance techniques (including repellents and clothing) during the day, will help reduce your risk of infection (see mosquito bite avoidance advice leaflet). A Yellow fever vaccine is available and one vaccine provides life-long protection. Some countries require an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis for YF before entry to that country. The vaccine is live and has some rare but potentially serious side effect so a careful risk assessment will be completed prior to vaccination.

Treatment – There is no specific treatment for yellow fever and only supportive management is available.

Further information


Influenza (flu)


Tick borne encephalitis