Disease and transmission – Poliomyelitis (known as polio) is a highly infectious virus that is transmitted by contact with infected faeces or less commonly droplets from a cough or sneeze from an infected person. Food and water can become contaminated with the virus. Hands or objects that have come in contact with infected faeces and then put into your mouth can also cause the infection.
Symptoms – Most people have no symptoms. Some develop a flu like illness with high temperature, sore throat, headache, tiredness, abdominal pain and feeling or being sick. Meningitis and paralysis occurs in a small number of people.
Prevention - Following good food and water precautions and hand and personal hygiene helps prevent infection. There is a vaccine available. Most UK citizens will have had 5 vaccines by time they leave school. If required then the vaccine should be boosted every 10 years (the vaccine is also mixed with tetanus and diphtheria as well). Due to ongoing global outbreaks some countries require a certificate for this vaccine.
Treatment - There is no treatment or cure and only supportive measures are available.
Further information - https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/disease/144/polio