Disease and transmission –Measles is a potentially fatal virus and highly contagious. It is caught from the air or surfaces, even after the infected person has left. You are at greater risk if you are attending large gatherings or having close contact with unvaccinated people.
Symptoms – High temperature, sore red eyes that might be sensitive to light, cold like symptoms, white/grey spots on the inside of the mouth and a brown/red blotchy rash. Complications can include ear infections, seizures, blindness and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). There is no treatment and only supportive care is available.
Prevention – Good respiratory and hand hygiene may help prevent contracting the disease. There is a two-dose vaccine given over a minimum of a month that gives life long immunity (also mixed with mumps and rubella, known as the MMR). There has been much negative coverage about potential complications of the MMR vaccine, but this research was shown to be seriously flawed. The MMR vaccine is available via the NHS.
Treatment – There is no treatment as such for measles, only supportive measures.
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