Japanese encephalitis

Disease and transmission – Japanese encephalitis (JE) is caused by a virus transmitted via the bite of a mosquito. The mosquitos carrying this disease tend to bite from dusk until dawn and often occur around rice fields. This disease is found around the Indian subcontinent and South-East Asia. Some countries have year round transmission and in some it is seasonal.

Symptoms – Most will have a mild illness but for those who develop the severe disease, 30% can develop permanent neurological problems and 30% will die. JE causes headaches, meningitis, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and convulsions.

Prevention – Following mosquito bite avoidance techniques, especially around dusk. There is a vaccine given in two doses. The second dose is usually given 28 days after the first but there is an accelerated schedule if requried. If at continued risk a booster can be given 12-24 months later.

Treatment – There no treatment for JE and only supportive therapies are available.

Further information. https://travelhealthpro.org.uk/disease/98/japanese-encephalitis



