General Health

If there is a blood test you require which you cannot see on our website, please get in touch.

  • Full blood count £60 to look at the three main types of cells in the blood - red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets

    Ferritin £70 a protein that stores iron

    Kidney function £60 to check how kidneys are working, looks at some electrolyte levels.

    Liver function £55 an indication of health of the liver

    Bone profile £105 measures calcium and phosphate. Abnormal calcium levels can be sign of disease causing fatigue.

    Thyroid function £75 The amount of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and circulating thyroid hormones. The thyroid controls metabolic rate.

  • HbA1C - £70 Shows sugar level over a few weeks; if raised may indicate diabetes

    Lipid profile £60

    Measures specific lipids, or fats, within your blood. Abnormal levels may cause cardiovascular disease

    Cholesterol £50

    Measures cholesterol which is one type of lipid

    Fasting blood glucose £55

    Measures sugar levels after 8-10 hours nil by mouth other than water and some medication

    Uric acid £50

    Can cause gout, also implicated in heart health

  • Vitamin B12 £60 needed to make red blood cells and see the nervous system healthy

    Vitamin D £90 essential for bone health

    Magnesium £50 supports muscle and nerve function and energy production

    Zinc £105 helps immune system and metabolism, amongst other functions

    Testosterone £70

    PSA £75 Raised Prostate Specific Antigen can suggest a problem with the prostate but not necessarily cancer.


Hepatitis B Immunity Blood Test


Work related blood tests